Reference product
LEDiL products used:
Luminaire manufacturer:
Ordercube GmbH is a start-up company which was founded in 2016 and is based in Grafing b. Munich (Germany). The company developed and manufactures a waiter call system to change the restaurant experience for everyone.
The cute cube that won’t keep you waiting
“We chose LEDiL ZORYA-MINI because it is the only lens on the market which meets our requirements.”
Timofei Perminov, Hardware Engineer, Ordercube GmbH
The advent of LED lighting has set design innovation juices flowing across a wide variety of industries. Ordercube, by Ordercube GmbH of Munich, Germany, is a great example of just such innovation for the restaurant industry. Ordercube addresses a problem no doubt familiar to many restaurant goers, catching the attention of a waiter during peak times while also helping them keep track of tables and guest calls when the restaurant is crowded. So the good people at Ordercube decided it was time to do something to simplify communication between server and guest.
Ordercube came up with something a little more original than just giving each customer a bell to ring. Resembling a table candle, the Ordercube is an acrylic glass cube powered by rechargeable batteries and uses a traffic light system to show the waiter how long a customer has been waiting. Ordercube also includes an application that gives the waiter an overview of the maximum seating plan as well as a host of other useful features for the restaurateur. To ensure symmetric light distribution from all angles, the company chose to use LEDiL ZORYA-MINI lens. The lenses offer the advantage of being small enough to fit inside the cube, but big enough to place 2-3 LEDs inside, ensuring a bright and even light from any angle.
Ordercube brings benefits to both restaurant owners and customers. Replacing candles is an immediate cost saving, but the ability to choose colours to suit the interior design of the restaurant is a huge bonus. Perhaps even more importantly, Ordercube is proven to reduce customer waiting time by 80% leading to a much improved customer experience and hopefully better online reviews as well.
LEDiL products used:
Luminaire manufacturer:
Ordercube GmbH is a start-up company which was founded in 2016 and is based in Grafing b. Munich (Germany). The company developed and manufactures a waiter call system to change the restaurant experience for everyone.